【Best Rate in Town】HK Banks USD Fixed Deposit Interest Summary

【Best Rate in Town】HK Banks USD Fixed Deposit Interest Summary

The US Federal Reserve’s decision on interest rate has a huge impact on our saving’s earning.  Wanna know which banks offer high-interest, but low-risk USD fixed deposits? To cater to your investment needs, MoneySmart has selected 10 banks to compare their preferential interest rates and entry fees for USD time deposits. These banks include HSBC, Citibank, Fubon Bank, Bank of China (Hong Kong), CMB Wing Lung Bank, Dah Sing Bank, Shanghai Commercial Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS Bank, and OCBC Wing Hang Bank, etc.

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Which Bank Offers Highest USD Time Deposit Interest Rate? Hong Kong Fixed Deposits Interest Rate Overview

USD Fixed / Time Deposits Interest Rate Offer in Traditional Banks (HSBC/Citi/BOC/Standard Chartered/CCB)

USD Fixed Deposit Interest Rates and Offers Comparison
Bank 7-day Annual Interest Rate 1-month Annual Interest Rate 3-month Annual Interest Rate 6-month Annual Interest Rate 1-year Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
HSBC Jade 9.00% 4.50% 4.00% 4.00% 3.60% US$2,000
HSBC Premier 8.90% 4.40% 4.00% 4.00% 3.60% US$2,000
HSBC One/Other customers 8.80% 4.30% 3.70% 3.70% 3.30% US$2,000
Bank of China (Foreign currency exchange) 8.00% 4.00% US$1,000
Bank of China (New funds) 3.80% 3.80% 3.50% US$1,000
DBS (New funds) 3.00% 4.60% 4.55% 4.00% US$6,000
Standard Chartered 4.20% 4.20% 3.90% US$2,000
China Construction Bank (Asia) Please refer to the Mobile App or Online Banking for the latest interest rates Equivalent to HK$30,000
ICBC (Asia)
3.00% 4.60% 4.50% 4.40% US$15,000
3.20% 4.80% 4.65% 4.50% US$100,000
3.40% 5.00% 4.80% 4.60% US$1 million or above
China CITIC Bank International (Private Banking Client) 4.55% 5.23% 4.98% 4.78% US$10,000
China CITIC Bank International (CITICdiamond) 4.55% 5.20% 4.95% 4.70% US$10,000
China CITIC Bank International (CITICfirst) 4.55% 5.15% 4.90% 4.65% US$10,000
China CITIC Bank International (General Customer) 4.55% 5.10% 4.85% 4.60% US$10,000
Citi(Citigold) Please refer to the Citi Mobile App for the latest interest rates US$10,000
Citi(Citi Plus) 3.50% Up to HK$100,000
Fubon Bank (New funds) 5.30% 5.20% 4.80% 4.70% US$30,000
Fubon Bank (USD Exchange) 10.88% 5.38% HK$100,000
Bank of Communications (New Fund) 4.55% 5.00% US$130,000
Bank of Communications 4.25% 4.70% 4.70% 4.35% US$3,000
Bank of East Asia (SupremeGold) 5.10% 4.75% 4.45% HK$100,000
Bank of East Asia (Supreme) 5.10% 4.75% 4.45% HK$20,000
Hang Seng Prestige Private/Prestige Banking 8.90% 8.90% HK$10,000
Hang Seng Preferred/Integrated Account 8.00% 5.50% HK$10,000
Chong Hing Bank
0.60% 4.10% 4.80% 4.45% 4.05% US$1,000
0.80% 4.30% 5.00% 4.65% 4.25% US$10,000
0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% US$6,000,001 or above
Nanyang Commercial Bank (Reward-Plus Time Deposit) 9.00% 4.70% Equivalent to HK$1,000
Nanyang Commercial Bank (USD Interest Plus Time Deposit) 4.20% 4.80% 4.80% 4.50% Equivalent to HK$100,000
CMB Wing Lung Bank “Wintech” Mobile App
0.80% 3.40% 3.90% 3.90% 3.80% US$1,000
0.80% 3.90% 4.50% 4.50% 4.40% US$50,000
0.80% 3.90% 4.50% 4.50% 4.40% US$100,000
0.80% 4.10% 4.60% 4.60% 4.50% US$500,000
Public Bank 1.50% 4.35% 4.90% 4.55% 4.30% US$2,000
Dah Sing Bank
0.40% 4.80% 4.40% 3.70% HK$200,000
0.40% 4.90% 4.50% 3.80% HK$500,000
0.40% 5.00% 4.60% 3.90% HK$2 million
0.40% 5.00% 4.60% 3.90% HK$5 million or above
Shanghai Commercial Bank (New Fund/USD Exchange) 4.40% 4.90% 4.70% 4.30% US$10,000
Shanghai Commercial Bank (Personal Bank/Mobile Bank) 3.98% 4.48% 4.28% 3.88% US$5,000
Last updated on May 2, 2024. Approximate interest earnings are for reference only. HSBC 7-day and 1-month time deposits require currency exchange from other currencies to HKD.

USD Fixed / Time Deposits Interest Rate Offer in Virtual Banks (Fusion Bank/Airstar/ZA Bank/WeLab Bank)

Virtual Bank USD Fixed Deposit Interest Rates and Offers Comparison
Bank 7-day Annual Interest Rate 1-month Annual Interest Rate 3-month Annual Interest Rate 6-month Annual Interest Rate 1-year Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Fusion Bank
0.05% 0.10% 5.00% 4.90% 4.00% Below US$10,000
0.05% 0.10% 5.00% 4.90% 4.00% US$10,000
0.05% 0.15% 5.00% 4.90% 4.00% US$50,000
0.05% 0.15% 5.00% 4.90% 4.00% US$150,000 or above
airstar 0.05% 1.20% 4.20% 4.20% 4.20% HK$1,000
ZA Bank 0.10% 0.10% 0.15% 0.20% 0.20% HK$1
Last updated on May 2, 2024.

7-day USD Fixed / Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison

7-day USD Fixed/Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison
Bank Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Estimated Interest Earned
HSBC Jade 9.00% US$2,000 HK$27.10
HSBC Premier 8.90% US$2,000 HK$26.80
HSBC One/Other customers 8.80% US$2,000 HK$26.50
Bank of China (Foreign currency exchange) 8.00% US$1,000 HK$12.04
Fubon Bank (USD Exchange) 10.88% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$208.66
Hang Seng Prestige Private/Prestige Banking 8.90% Equivalent to HK$10,000 HK$17.07
Hang Seng Preferred/Integrated Account 8.00% Equivalent to HK$10,000 HK$15.34
Chong Hing Bank 0.60% US$1,000 HK$0.90
Nanyang Commercial Bank (Reward-Plus Time Deposit) 9.00% Equivalent to HK$1,000 HK$1.73
CMB Wing Lung 0.80% US$1,000 HK$1.20
Public Bank 1.50% Calculated based on US$10,000 HK$4.52
FusionBank 0.05% HK$1
Calculated based on US$1,000
airstar 0.05% HK$1,000
Calculated based on US$10,000
ZA Bank 0.10% HK$1
Calculated based on US$10,000
Data updated on May 2, 2024. Approximate interest earnings is for reference only. HSBC 7-day time deposits require currency exchange from other currencies to HKD.

1-Month USD Fixed / Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison

1-Month USD Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison
Bank Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Approximate Interest Earned
HSBC Jade 4.50% US$2,000 HK$58.88
HSBC Premier 4.40% US$2,000 HK$57.57
HSBC One/Other customers 4.30% US$2,000 HK$56.26
Bank of China (Foreign currency exchange) 4.00% US$1,000 HK$26.17
DBS 3.00% US$6,000 HK$117.75
China Construction Bank (Asia) Equivalent to HK$30,000
ICBC (Asia)
3.00% US$15,000 HK$294.38
3.20% US$100,000 HK$2,093.33
3.40% US$1 million or above HK$22,241.67
China CITIC Bank International (Private Client) 4.55% US$10,000 or above HK$297.65
China CITIC Bank International (CITICdiamond) 4.55% US$10,000 or above HK$297.65
China CITIC Bank International (CITICfirst) 4.55% US$10,000 or above HK$297.65
China CITIC Bank International (General Customer) 4.55% US$10,000 or above HK$297.65
Citi(Citi Plus) 3.50% Up to HK$100,000
(calculated in HK$10,000)
Fubon Bank (New Fund) 5.30% US$30,000 HK$1,040.13
Fubon Bank (USD Exchange) 5.38% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$448.33
Bank of Communications
4.55% US$130,000 HK$3,869.40
4.25% US$3,000 HK$83.41
Hang Seng Prestige Private/Prestige Banking 8.90% Equivalent to HK$10,000 HK$74.17
Hang Seng Preferred/Integrated Account 5.50% Equivalent to HK$10,000 HK$45.83
Chong Hing Bank
4.10% US$1,000 HK$26.82
4.30% US$10,000 HK$281.29
0.25% US$6,000,001 HK$9,812.50
Nanyang Commercial Bank (Reward-Plus Time Deposit) 4.70% Equivalent to HK$1,000 HK$3.92
Nanyang Commercial Bank (USD Interest Plus Time Deposit) 4.20% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$350.00
CMB Wing Lung
3.40% US$1,000 HK$25.51
3.90% US$50,000 HK$1,275.63
3.90% US$100,000 HK$2,682.08
4.10% US$500,000 HK$13,410.42
Public Bank 4.35% HK$10,000 HK$56.91
Dah Sing Bank
0.40% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$66.67
0.40% Equivalent to HK$500,000 HK$166.67
0.40% Equivalent to HK$2,000,000 HK$666.67
0.40% HK$5,000,000 or above HK$1,666.67
Shanghai Commercial Bank(New Fund/USD Exchange)) 4.40% US$10,000 HK$287.83
Shanghai Commercial Bank (Online Banking/Mobile Banking) 3.98% US$5,000 HK$130.18
Fusion Bank
0.10% HK$1
(calculated based on US$10,000)
0.15% US$50,000 HK$49.06
airstar 1.20% HK$1,000
Calculated based on US$10,000
ZA Bank 0.10% HK$1
Calculated based on US$10,000
Data updated on May 2, 2024. Exchange rate reference: US$1=HK$7.85. Approximate interest earnings are for reference only. HSBC 1-month time deposits require currency exchange from other currencies to HKD.

3-month USD Fixed / Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison

3-Month USD Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison
Bank Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Approximate Interest Earned
HSBC Jade 4.00% US$2,000 HK$157.00
HSBC Premier 4.00% US$2,000 HK$157.00
HSBC One/Other customers 3.70% US$2,000 HK$145.23
Bank of China (New Fund) 3.80% US$1,000 HK$74.58
DBS (New Fund) 4.60% US$6,000 HK$541.65
China Construction Bank (Asia) 4.20% US$2,000 HK$164.85
China Construction Bank (Asia) Equivalent to HK$30,000
ICBC (Asia)
4.60% US$15,000 HK$1,354.13
4.80% US$100,000 HK$9,420.00
5.00% US$1,000,000 or above HK$98,125.00
China CITIC Bank International (Private Client) 5.23% US$10000 or above HK$1,026.39
China CITIC Bank International (CITICdiamond) 5.20% US$10000 or above HK$1,020.50
China CITIC Bank International (CITICfirst) 5.15% US$10000 or above HK$1,010.69
China CITIC Bank International (General Customer) 5.10% US$10000 or above HK$1,000.88
Fubon Bank (New Fund) 5.20% US$30,000 HK$3,061.50
Fubon Bank (USD Currency Exchange) 5.00% US$130,000 HK$12,756.25
Bank of Communications 4.70% US$3,000 HK$276.71
Bank of East Asia (SupremeGold) 5.10% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$1,275.00
Bank of East Asia
5.10% Equivalent to HK$20,000 HK$255.00
Chong Hing Bank
4.80% US$1,000 HK$94.20
5.00% US$10,000 HK$981.25
0.25% US$6,000,001 or above HK$29,437.50
Nanyang Commercial Bank (USD Interest Plus Time Deposit) 4.80% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$1,200.00
Chong Hing Bank
3.90% US$1,000 HK$76.54
4.50% US$50,000 HK$4,415.63
4.50% US$100,000 HK$8,831.25
4.60% US$500,000 HK$45,137.50
Public Bank 4.90% US$2,000 HK$192.33
Dai Shing Bank
4.80% Equivalent to HK$200,000 HK$2,400.00
4.90% Equivalent to HK$500,000 HK$6,125.00
5.00% Equivalent to HK$2 million HK$25,000.00
5.00% Equivalent to HK$5,000,000 or above HK$62,500.00
Shanghai Commercial Bank(New Fund/USD Exchange)) 4.90% US$10,000 HK$961.63
Shanghai Commercial Bank (Online Banking/Mobile Banking) 4.48% US$5,000 HK$439.60
Fusion Bank 5.00% HK$1
Calculated based on US$1,000
airstar 4.20% HK$1,000
Calculated based on US$10,000
ZA Bank 0.15% HK$1
Calculated based on US$10,000
Data updated on May 2, 2023. Exchange rate reference: US$1=HK$7.85. Approximate interest earnings are for reference only. HSBC 1-month time deposits require currency exchange from other currencies to HKD.

USD 6-month Fixed/Time Deposit Interest Rate Comparison

6-Month USD Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison
Bank Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Approximate Interest Earned
HSBC Jade 4.00% US$2,000 HK$314.00
HSBC Premier 4.00% US$2,000 HK$314.00
HSBC One/Other customers 3.70% US$2,000 HK$290.45
Bank of China (New Fund) 3.80% US$1,000 HK$149.15
DBS (New Fund) 4.55% US$6,000 HK$1,071.53
Standard Chartered 4.20% US$2,000 HK$329.70
China Construction Bank (Asia) Equivalent to HK$30,000
ICBC (Asia)
4.50% US$15,000 HK$2,649.38
4.65% US$100,000 HK$18,251.25
4.80% US$1 million or above HK$188,400.00
China CITIC Bank International (Private Client) 4.98% US$10,000 or above HK$1,954.65
China CITIC Bank International (CITICdiamond) 4.95% US$10,000 or above HK$1,942.88
China CITIC Bank International (CITICfirst) 4.90% US$10,000 or above HK$1,923.25
China CITIC Bank International (General Customer) 4.85% US$10,000 or above HK$1,903.63
Fubon Bank (New Fund) 4.80% US$30,000 HK$5,652.00
Bank of Communications 4.70% US$3,000 HK$553.43
Bank of East Asia (SupremeGold) 4.75% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$2,375.00
Bank of East Asia
4.75% Equivalent to HK$20,000 HK$475.00
Chong Hing Bank
4.45% US$1,000 HK$174.66
4.65% US$10,000 HK$1,825.13
0.25% US$6,000,001 or above HK$58,875.01
Nanyang Commercial Bank (USD Interest Plus Time Deposit) 4.80% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$2,400.00
CMB Wing Lung Bank “Wintech” Mobile App
3.90% US$1,000 HK$153.08
4.50% US$50,000 HK$8,831.25
4.50% US$100,000 HK$17,662.50
4.60% US$500,000 HK$90,275.00
Public Bank 4.55% US$2,000 HK$357.18
Dai Shing Bank
4.40% Equivalent to HK$200,000 HK$4,400.00
4.50% Equivalent to HK$500,000 HK$11,250.00
4.60% Equivalent to HK$2 million HK$46,000.00
4.60% Equivalent to HK$5,000,000 or above HK$115,000.00
Shanghai Commercial Bank(New Fund/USD Exchange)) 4.70% US$10,000 HK$1,844.75
Shanghai Commercial Bank (Online Banking/Mobile Banking) 4.28% US$5,000 HK$839.95
Fusion Bank
4.90% Below US$10,000
Calculated based on US$1,000)
4.90% US$10,000 HK$1,923.25
4.90% US$50,000 HK$9,616.25
4.90% US$150,000 or above HK$28,848.75
airstar 4.20% HK$1,000
Calculated based on US$10,000
ZA Bank 0.20% HK$1
Calculated based on US$10,000
Data updated as of May 2, 2024.

USD 12-month Fixed / Time Deposits Interest Rate Comparison

12-Month USD Time Deposit Interest Rates Comparison
Bank Annual Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Approximate Interest Earned
HSBC Jade 3.60% US$2,000 HK$565.20
HSBC Premier 3.60% US$2,000 HK$565.20
HSBC One/Other customers 3.30% US$2,000 HK$518.10
Bank of China (New Fund) 3.50% US$1,000 HK$274.75
DBS (New Fund) 4.00% US$6,000 HK$1,884.00
Standard Chartered 3.90% US$2,000 HK$612.30
CCB( Asia) Equivalent to HK$30,000
ICBC (Asia)
4.40% US$15,000 HK$5,181.00
4.50% US$100,000 HK$35,325.00
4.60% US$1 million or above HK$361,100.00
China CITIC Bank International (Private Client) 4.78% US$10,000 or above HK$3,752.30
China CITIC Bank International (CITICdiamond) 4.70% US$10,000 or above HK$3,689.50
China CITIC Bank International (CITICfirst) 4.65% US$10,000 or above HK$3,650.25
China CITIC Bank International (General Customer) 4.60% US$10,000 or above HK$3,611.00
Fubon Bank (New Fund) 4.70% US$30,000 HK$11,068.50
Bank of Communications 4.35% US$3,000 HK$1,024.43
Bank of East Asia (SupremeGold) 4.45% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$4,450.00
Bank of East Asia
4.45% Equivalent to HK$20,000 HK$890.00
Chong Hing Bank
4.05% US$1,000 HK$317.93
4.25% US$10,000 HK$3,336.25
0.25% US$6,000,001 or above HK$117,750.02
Nanyang Commercial Bank (USD Interest Plus Time Deposit) 4.50% Equivalent to HK$100,000 HK$4,500.00
CMB Wing Lung Bank “Wintech” Mobile App
3.80% US$1,000 HK$298.30
4.40% US$50,000 HK$17,270.00
4.40% US$100,000 HK$34,540.00
4.50% US$500,000 HK$176,625.00
Public Bank 4.30% US$2,000 HK$675.10
Dai Shing Bank
3.70% Equivalent to HK$200,000 HK$7,400.00
3.80% Equivalent to HK$500,000 HK$19,000.00
3.90% Equivalent to HK$2 million HK$78,000.00
3.90% Equivalent to HK$5,000,000 or above HK$195,000.00
Shanghai Commercial Bank(New Fund/USD Exchange)) 4.30% US$10,000 HK$3,375.50
Shanghai Commercial Bank (Online Banking/Mobile Banking) 3.88% US$5,000 HK$1,522.90
Fusion Bank
4.00% US$10,000以下
Calculated based on US$1,000)
4.00% US$10,000 HK$3,140.00
4.00% US$50,000 HK$15,700.00
4.00% US$150,000 or above HK$47,100.00
airstar 4.20% HK$1,000
Calculated based on US$10,000
ZA Bank 0.20% HK$1
Calculated based on US$10,000
Data updated as of May 2, 2024.


USD Fixed Deposits Preferential Interest Rate Offers

HSBC Bank’s foreign exchange and time deposits offer up to 9% interest for HSBC Jade, Premier, and One clients

HSBC customers who exchange currencies and deposit at least $2,000 USD in can get preferential interest rates. This applies to mobile banking, branch banking, and phone banking.

Wealth Management Client Level Application Method Annual Interest Rate (1 week)
Jade Mobile App 9%
Premier Mobile App 8.9%
HSBC One/Other Customers Mobile App 8.8%
HSBC logo
MoneySmart Exclusive
Minimum Initial Deposit
Free cancer coverage
Apply NowApply directly on MoneySmart

Citi Plus USD Time Deposit for 1 month with annual interest rate of 3.5%

Qualified Citi Plus customers can enjoy an annual interest rate of 3.5% by transferring new funds in USD to open a time deposit. The maximum amount of new funds is HKD 100,000.

Citigold USD time deposit for 3 months with an annual interest rate of 5%

Citigold eligible clients can enjoy an annual interest rate of 5% (variable depends on client’s account). Please refer to Citi Mobile App for the latest interest rate.

Fubon Bank USD fixed deposit 1-week annual interest rate: 10.88%

Fubon Bank launched a promotional offer for foreign currency fixed deposits throughout the year. Customers who exchange USD and open a 1-week fixed deposit account can enjoy a special annual interest rate of 10.88%. The minimum deposit amount is HK$100,000 or equivalent.

BOC Hong Kong’s special offer on foreign currency time deposits—a 7-day annual interest rate of 8%

“Integrated Banking Service” personal banking customers who exchange foreign currency (Australian dollars, New Zealand dollars, British pounds, Canadian dollars, and US dollars) for HK$ 1,000 or RMB 10,000 or more and open a 7-day time deposit, can enjoy the “Special Offer on RMB and Foreign Currency Time Deposits”, with a special offer annual interest rate of 8% for 7-day US dollar deposits.

Wing Lung Bank 3-Month Time Deposit Interest Rates 4.5%

By opening a $50,000 or more 3-month USD time deposit via the “CMBWLB Wintech” mobile APP, the annual interest rate can reach up to 4.5%.

Dah Sing Bank 3-month USD Time Deposit Annual Interest Rate 5%

Choose VIP banking services or designate customers to open a new 3-month USD fixed deposit account with fresh funds, with a deposit amount equivalent to HK$2,000,000 or above, at an annual interest rate of 5%.

Shanghai Commercial Bank offers a 3-month USD time deposit with an annual interest rate of 4.9%

During the promotional period, customers who open a 3-month USD time deposit account with Shanghai Commercial Bank using “new funds” or “exchange funds” can enjoy a preferential annual interest rate of 4.9%. Eligible “Smart Banking” customers can enjoy an additional 0.10% “Extra Time Deposit Annual Interest Rate Offer”.

Standard Chartered Bank offers up to a 4.2% annual interest rate for a 6-month USD fixed deposit

Starting from today, you can get better interest rates if you create a time deposit with new funds using the SC Mobile App or Online Banking. Opening a 6-month USD fixed deposit account at Standard Chartered Bank can enjoy a special annual interest rate of 4.2%.

DBS Bank’s 3-month USD time deposit offers an annual interest rate of 4.6%

DBS Account and DBS Treasures customers can enjoy a special annual interest rate of 4.6% by using the specified promotional code through DBS iBanking or the DBS digibank HK app to open a USD time deposit with a minimum placement of US$6,000.

Nan Yang Commercial Bank  offers a 9% interest rate on USD fixed deposits for a period of 7 days.

OCBC Wing Hang Bank’s “Reward-Plus” Time Deposit offers an interest rate of up to 9% for a 7-day USD fixed deposit starting from the equivalent of HK$1,000.

Hang Seng Bank 1-week USD time deposit interest rate of 8.9%

From now until June 29, 2024, during designated trading hours, Hang Seng Preferred Banking / Premier Banking customers who conduct a USD exchange transaction of HK$10,000 or equivalent via Hang Seng Personal e-Banking, Hang Seng Personal Mobile App, Phone Banking Hotline, or in-branch, and simultaneously set up a 1-week USD time deposit can enjoy a preferential annual interest rate of 8.9%.

China Construction Bank (Asia) Fixed Deposit Annual Interest Rate

The interest rates for China Construction Bank (Asia) USD fixed deposits can be checked on the mobile banking and online banking platforms.

ICBC Asia USD Fixed Deposit 3 Month Annual Interest Rate Starting from 4.6%

Customers who open a 3-month USD fixed deposit through online banking or mobile banking between 9:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in Hong Kong), can enjoy a special annual interest rate of 4.6%. The minimum deposit amount is US$15,000.

For wealth management customers, the interest rate is 4.8% for deposit amounts ranging from US$100,000 to below USD 1 million. For deposit amounts of US$1 million or above, the interest rate is 5%.

China CITIC Bank International USD Fixed Deposit 3 Month Annual Interest Rate 5.1%

Customers who open a 3-month USD fixed deposit with new funds of USD 10,000 or above can enjoy a special annual interest rate of 5.1%.

The 6-month annual interest rate can reach up to 4.85%. New funds refer to the deposit balance of the previous banking business day subtracted by the total deposit balance on the last day of the previous month.

Bank of Communications 3 Month USD Fixed Deposit Interest Rate 5%

By opening a 3-month USD flash deposit online, depositing USD 130,000 or above, customers can enjoy a high annual interest rate of 5%.

Bank of East Asia 3 Month USD Fixed Deposit Interest Rate 5.1%

New Prestige Banking customers who deposit a minimum of HK$500,000 can open a 3-month USD fixed deposit ranging from HK$100,000 to HK$ 10 million and enjoy a preferential annual interest rate of 5.1.

New or upgraded Privilege Banking customers who meet the specified requirements can open a 3-month USD fixed deposit ranging from HK$20,000 to HK$300,000 and also enjoy an annual interest rate of 5.1%.

Fusion Bank USD Fixed Deposit Up to 4.9% Annual Interest Rate for 6 Months

By opening a 6-month USD fixed deposit through the FusionBank app, you can earn an annual interest rate of up to 4.9%. Similarly, the 3-month USD fixed deposit offers an annual interest rate of 5%.

Airstar Bank USD Fixed Deposit 12 Month Deposit Interest Rate 4.2%

The 12-month USD fixed deposit offers an interest rate of 2.5%. Furthermore, there are no additional charges for early withdrawal.

ZA Bank 12 Month Fixed Deposit Annual Interest Rate 0.2%

ZA Bank offers USD fixed deposits with durations ranging from 1 month to 1 year. The minimum deposit amount is only USD 1. For 6-month and 12-month USD fixed deposits, the annual interest rate is 0.2%.

4 Tips Before Making USD fixed deposits

  1. Different deposit periods offer different annual interest rates, so it’s better to inquire with the bank for further information.
  2. Fixed deposits cannot be withdrawn before maturity. Otherwise, no interest will be earned, and even handling fees may be charged. Better planning if you decide to invest in time deposits.
  3. USD deposits are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may result in profit opportunities or loss risks. When customers exchange USD for HKD or other foreign currencies, they may suffer losses due to exchange rate fluctuations.
  4. Banks may not specify a promotional period, and the annual interest rate may fluctuate at any time. Please remember to clarify and ask questions before opening an account.

Frequently Asked Questions About USD Fixed Deposits

How does the US interest rate hike affect USD fixed deposits?

Since the US interest rate hike, banks have raised their USD fixed deposit interest rates and introduced account opening promotions. Currently, opening a USD fixed deposit account may allow you to earn higher interest rates.

Does the deposit period affect the deposit interest rate?

Depending on the length of the deposit, banks may provide different deposit interest rates.

How are qualified new funds defined?

Qualified new funds are equal to the net deposit amount in your savings and current accounts over the past 30 days, minus the principal amount of any fixed deposits that have enjoyed new fund offers within the past 7 days.

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Related Articles

If you want to check out the preferential interest rates in other currencies, check out the other blog posts here: HKD Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Comparison and RMB Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Comparison.

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